Having a list of dedicated subscribers who are interested in your niche can be the backbone of your success. But for many marketers, the list-building process itself is a struggle.
Imagine having a powerful assistant by your side, available 24/7, to help you with every step. That's where AI comes in!
In this post, I'll reveal 11 AI secrets to supercharge your list building. These secrets will show you how to attract subscribers, keep them engaged, and grow your list faster than ever before.
Get ready to transform your marketing game with these game-changing AI strategies!

Artificial intelligence (AI) tools have emerged as a free, continually available assistant who can help you with your goal of building a targeted niche list. In addition to brainstorming and creating content to attract subscribers, it has the ability to guide you on the technical and strategic elements involved with this endeavor.
This is an aspect of your marketing that is highly competitive. Your prospective subscribers are protective of their email inbox, and many pick and choose whose lists they opt into very carefully.
AI can help you figure out how to cater to the various demographics within your audience, what to entice them with, the best traffic generation strategies for list building, and how to put together all of the working parts that capture the names and email addresses of your new subscribers so you can cater to their needs from that point on.
Below, you’re going to see how many ways AI can assist you with list building and using two niche examples of marketing and weight loss, you’ll see how to prompt your favorite AI tool for the best results.
1: Tech Tricks for Killer Lists
Before you can begin building a list, you have to have some technical things set up ahead of time and in the very beginning, there are decisions to make. The last thing you want to have to do is export your list from one platform to another because you chose poorly initially.
There are two things you have to choose and AI can help you. These are your landing page builder and your email autoresponder system. Do not get lured in by savvy yet scammy marketers who sell new tools every other month for these purposes promising the world, and then abandoning them later without any support.
Instead, have AI help you choose a proven system for both aspects of list building. AI is going to be able to help you with the landing page in many ways once you select the right company to go with.
It can assist you with the layout and design as well as the copy and conversion improvements. With your email autoresponder system, it’s able to help you choose the best option and then give advice on the form your prospective subscribers will see embedded upon arriving on your landing page.
You might prompt AI and ask it: “What should I be looking for in a landing page builder if I’m in the weight loss niche?” AI will tell you that this niche is going to need features that resonate with people who are into health and fitness, so you’re looking for themes related to this concept and one with the ability for you to embed some sort of fitness video or meal prep video.
For the Internet marketing niche, it may advise you to find one that has advanced segmenting for specific target audiences, one that is going to integrate with your e-commerce business, and that supports analytics to track sales and engagement.
When you’re choosing a landing page builder, it isn’t always just your opt-in form. It could be a sales letter, bridge page or other page that will drive better conversions. AI can help you find the right list building tools if you give it certain parameters to go off of.
For example, you might prompt it like this: “I want to sign up for a reputable email autoresponder system with proven deliverability where I can promote my weight loss business and scale a list over to 100,000 subscribers. What brand should I choose for this purpose and why?”
AI is going to review several options for you and give you reasons why you may want to consider them. The brands will include Constant Contact and MailChimp, and the reasons will include deliverability, ease of use, template choices, support, pricing, automation, and features to name a few.
You can also prompt it to advise you about a specific company you’re considering – or to evaluate between two, like this: “I’m considering going with AWeber or GetResponse for my autoresponder to grow my list of Internet marketing subscribers. Which one is better for this purpose?”
It will guide you by going from feature to feature and conducting a comparison. For example, for ease of use it says AWeber is known for its user-friendly interface, perfect for newbies – while GetResponse has a steeper learning curve.
It goes through and entire list, helping you based on the insight you provided it with. You can tell it more, such as your desire for a certain feature, your level of experience with this type of technology, and everything you add will help it make a better recommendation.
2: Cracking Demographic Codes
Effective list building is not something where you cast a wide net and hope to catch some subscribers. That’s unfortunately how many marketers go about it, which is why they struggle to get people to sign up.
Later, we’re going to talk about how AI can help you with segmented (specific targeting) list building, but for now, AI is going to help you conduct the preliminary research that not only identifies your segments, but gives you a strong indicator of the needs, wants, goals and values your audience has.
You can use this information in many ways for the list building process, such as creating lead magnets and incentives that make people want to subscriber – or crafting the copy for the landing page so that it resonates with your audience.
AI has the ability to uncover this important demographic information for you and help you prioritize what is most important to your people so you know how to tailor your list building offers for them.
It has the capability to deliver information based on behaviors, trends and patterns within your audience. So you might prompt AI like this: “Identify current patterns and behaviors in the Internet marketing niche and based on that, give me a list that’s prioritized of their most pressing concerns and goals.”
If you knew you wanted to target a specific demographic, like seniors or women, you could add that detail so that it doesn’t go too broad. The results AI will deliver will tell you that marketers are concerned with changing algorithms for SEO, keeping up with their content needs, integrating AI into their business, having an omni-channel approach to their business and more.
You could also gather demographic data to use like this: “In the weight loss niche, give me a list of 5 specific audiences and for each one, share insight about their current behavior in this niche.”
Now you have a list of specific target audiences you can later segment and approach individually for list building, which include:
- Busy Professionals – they need quick and efficient solutions and enjoy an emphasis on meal prep or delivery. They love using digital tracking tools.
- Post-Pregnancy Women – they are looking for easy plans that take their changing body into account. They need nutritional support for recovery.
- Senior Citizens – they want nutritional advice that pairs weight loss with health and fitness programs that are less strenuous and more joint-friendly.
- Fitness Enthusiasts – they are not just wanting to shed pounds but sculpt their body with proper nutrition and advanced workout plans. They like to track changes in body composition.
- People with Weight-Related Health Issues – they prioritize safe, credible plans that serve as a solution to their chronic problems with obesity, such as diabetes, inflammation, and more.
In addition to asking who your audience is, you can use AI to identify trends in your niche based on those demographics. For example, you might prompt AI like this: “Analyze demographic and market trends related to AI for Internet marketers.”
So if you had a course teaching AI or sell or promote an AI tool, you would want to know how each demographic felt about using it. AI would tell you that Gen Z and Millennials readily embrace it, business professionals are rapidly adopting it, and the reasons they like it is because they can personalize their use of it, have it conduct analytics on a wide scale, and make them competitive against those who have deep pockets for teams or outsourcing.
You might also be more broad and ask AI something like this: “In the intermittent fasting niche for weight loss, which demographic is the fastest growing audience?” AI will immediately respond telling you that middle-aged adults from 35-55 are the fastest growing demographic.
It also tells you why – that it’s the age when they become more health conscious, when they get tired of yo-yo dieting, and they begin to take preventative measures for better health.
Once you discover more about your target audience, you can prompt AI to tell you what incentivizes them the most. For example, you might prompt it like this: “For Internet marketers interested in traffic generation, what kind of knowledge would be the biggest incentive for them to get on my list?”
AI is going to report back that they want the most cutting edge information, deep insight into paid ad success, guidance on multi-channel content marketing, tutorials on using AI for traffic generation, and more.
For the weight loss niche, you might ask: “Give me a list of unique incentives that would appeal to men and women who want to lose weight fast?” AI will tell you that this demographic wants easy meal prep ideas, free access to a tracker, access to an exclusive support community, and more.
Armed with the right demographic details to incentivize your audience, you’ll be able to put together a landing page that converts nicely based on the copy and offer you develop with AI’s help.
3: Lead Magnet Magic
With the preliminary information gathered with the help of AI, you can move on to the lead magnet step of the list building process. This begins with brainstorming and outlining your offer.
Initially, before they can see the quality of what you provide, the prospective subscriber can only judge based on the title, slant and concept of your lead magnet offer. So it needs to be something good – something that matches with their own goals, struggles and desires.
AI is very helpful when it comes to delivering product titles. You can ask for titles for an eBook, video course, webinar, email series and more. You don’t want to only ask for one idea when you prompt it, though.
You want a list. Sometimes, the exact output won’t be exactly what you wanted, but you’ll be able to quickly mix and match wording from the list to come up with the perfect combination.
You can prompt AI like this: “Give me a list of 25 eBook titles for a report that teaches marketers how to use AI for traffic generation.” The list you get back will have a variety of wording such as:
- AI Unleashed: Revolutionizing Traffic Generation in Digital Marketing
- AI-Powered Traffic: Transforming Clicks into Conversions
- Next-Level Traffic: AI Tools and Tactics for Marketers
You might see the list and be able to combine parts so that it ends up being the title you want, like: Next-Level Traffic: Unleashing AI Tools in Digital Marketing. If you ever want certain words included, you can prompt AI with: “Revise the list to ensure each one includes the words: Harnessing AI.”
The results will give you a new list with those words in different positions within the titles – at the beginning, middle and end. If you want shorter titles, you can re-prompt AI like this: “Shorten the titles for me.”
That way, instead of titles that all have a first part, colon mark and second part, you have shorter titles like: “Traffic Genius with AI,” “AI Traffic Mastery,” “Harnessing AI for Traffic,” and so on.
If you already know you’re not going to be using a report and you want a title for an on-going email series that you can offer as a lead magnet incentive, you can prompt AI like this: “Give me a list of titles for a 52-week email series that teaches quick weight loss tips.”
Sometimes, AI will come back with a list of each week’s emails, so you may have to re-prompt it with, “Revise this to give me a list of title options for the entire series, not each week.”
This way, you’ll get titles such as:
- 52 Weeks to Weight Loss Success: Your Weekly Guide for Rapid Results
- The Year of Transformation: A Week-By-Week Journey to a Slimmer You
- The 52-Week Weight Loss Blueprint: Quick Tips and Tricks for Lasting Change
Once you pick a title and slant that you like, ask AI to help you with the outlining process. Some marketers like to see what they can come up with initially and then go to AI for help polishing it up.
If this is your choice, you can prompt it like this: “I’m going to write a lead magnet teaching marketers how to use AI for traffic generation. Here’s the outline I have so far. Review it and tell me what needs to change or be added to it.”
Or, if you want AI to start from scratch, you might prompt it like this: “I’m creating a 52-week email series on fast weight loss. Outline 52 weekly emails and make sure they are MECE (mutually exclusive, collectively exhaustive.”
This is a prompt that ensures there’s zero to little overlap with the topics, and that it’s covered in a comprehensive manner. If you want to, you can go so far as to instruct AI on what to include in the outlines.
For example, for the weekly email series, you might say, “In the outline, I want each email to introduce the tip, talk about why it’s important for weight loss, share an example and then give them an action step or exercise for implementing it.”
Always remember that it’s up to you to go through the outline with a fine-tooth comb and get rid of unwanted topics and make sure everything is included that you deem important to the topic.
4: Targeted List Love
At this point, you’ve already had AI help you uncover some demographic details about what will incentivize your audience to sign up to your list. So now you’re going to have the opportunity to use it to segment your list building efforts.
Instead of trying to create lead magnets that target all people who want to lose weight on the keto plan, you can use the demographic details to create special reports for each of your demographic audiences, which would be:
- Keto Diet Tips for Busy Professionals
- Keto Diet Tips for Seniors
- Keto Diet Tips for Diabetics…and so on
If you go this route, keep in mind that AI can help you figure out a specific title and outline just for that one audience. It will differ from the broad concept you may have considered using before.
You can ask AI about how to come up with one topic that you can tweak for the different demographics or ask if for the best slant for each demographic, which may all be different and require unique lead magnet creations.
You can prompt AI like this: “If my goal is building a list of subscribers who want to know about affiliate marketing, how should I segment the list building process so that my landing page and lead magnet offers address their particular needs?”
AI will suggest some variations to consider, such as a beginner, intermediate and advanced segmentation. For beginners, it will tell you to use simple language and emphasize the ease of getting started with a lead magnet offering step-by-step advice.
It says to offer a downloadable eBook format and gives you sample titles. The advanced subscribers might want a lead magnet about advanced strategies and diversification strategies with complex data and case studies presented.
In the weight loss niche, you might prompt AI like this: “I am building a list of female subscribers who want to learn the keto diet. How should I further segment the list with unique lead magnets tailored to their journey?”
For this segmented process, it says you can target keto for beginners, keto for weight loss, vegetarian keto dieters, and more. Each one gives you a sample title and instructions on what to make the focus for the lead magnet.
AI is going to be beneficial in clustering people together for relevancy with a lead magnet topic and help you in the planning process for brainstorming a slant that works for the readers or viewers.
5: Lead Magnet Formats That Pop
Another thing AI can help with, if you haven’t decided it yet, is what format to use when creating your various lead magnets. This may differ depending on which segment of your audience you’re targeting or what the topic is.
For example, you might prompt AI like this: “If I want to target busy professionals who want quick weight loss tips using the keto diet, what media format should I offer my lead magnet in that would appeal to them most?”
AI is going to suggest some choices for you – including eBooks that can be read on their own time at a pace they need, audiobooks they can consume while multitasking or commuting, an email series that gives bite-sized, actionable advice and more.
You can also ask specific questions about media formats. For example, you might prompt AI like this: “I want to create a ten part video series for beginners who want to learn affiliate marketing. How long should each video be and what type of video should I make if I’m using the series as a lead magnet offer?”
It will give you a wealth of information that includes:
- Video length: 5-10 minutes each
- Video type: screencast, talking head, or animated explainer videos
- Video content: sequential steps, actionable advice, interactive
- Video production: graphics, text overlaps, and branding
AI can give you advice on all media formats, whether it’s text, video, audio, webinar recordings, emails or something else like an infographic. If you want advice about creating a lead magnet for your niche audience in a certain format, ask AI and it will guide you!
For example, you might prompt it like this: “I want to create an email series for low carb diet tips. Can you give me some best practices and advice for this type of lead magnet and topic before I begin?”
It might start off giving you generic advice for an email series, such as planning the frequency, knowing your demographic, etc. But you can ask for some more detailed information like this: “Those are generic tips. Give me a list of tips specifically for the development of a low carb email tip series.”
Part of using AI effectively is learning how to master the art of re-prompting the tool to give you more precise information. When you redirect it, it will tell you what types of things need to be covered, such as presenting the basic principles as a foundation first, delivering compilations of food lists and providing meal planning tips.
It might advise you to have some interactive Q&A emails, motivational encouragement for readers to celebrate their small wins, and so on. You can always end with a final follow-up prompt like this: “Any other kinds of tips or advice for ensuring this is a good email series?”
AI usually has more to add. This list is different and emphasizes personalization, storytelling, consistent branding, use of visuals, a responsive design and balance of education and inspiration and more.
If you want to offer multiple formats, AI can advise you about repurposing one lead magnet like an eBook into other formats, like an audiobook, video course, webinar, distilled infographic, etc.
6: Crafting Irresistible Lead Magnets
If you enjoy or prefer creating your own lead magnet, you can do that and AI can still benefit you by playing the role of editor. Unlike a human editor that costs a lot and take time to get the results from, AI will edit instantly.
You can create the chapters and attach it to ChatGPT when asking for edit advice like this: “Review the attached content and advise me on any spelling or grammatical errors, typos, or content that needs to be fixed in any way to ensure it’s deemed readable and valuable by my target audience.”
AI will give you detailed advice about corrections. If you want it to revamp and improve upon what you created, you can ask for that, too. But you can also prompt AI to create your lead magnet from scratch.
If you’re having it create an full eBook, do it section by section - or one email at a time. If you have it create a video series, ask it to create the script and storyboard one video at a time.
Even if you want to offer a podcast series or webinar, you can prompt AI to write show notes or talking points for you with detailed checklists on what to include, how to segue into new topics, and more.
Because you will likely have your outline to work from, you can prompt AI to do it by continuing the previous chatlog so that it’s working from the original outline. So you might prompt it like this: “Based on the outline above, write a long, in-depth introduction.”
Or, you can say, “Write the part for the first bulletpoint in chapter 7 and cover it in a comprehensive manner.” If AI delivers output that’s not quite right, be sure to redirect it like this: “Remove the examples and replace them with [insert example of your choice].”
Anything you need changed – examples, tone, length, etc., tell AI whenever you are in the re-prompting stage so that your final lead magnet accurately represents what you want to say.
You can even make sure AI includes or excludes certain things. For example, maybe you want to make sure when writing about a financial topic that it excludes any political or inflammatory discussion about the economy.
Some of the things AI can help with include the overall structure and sequence of your lead magnet, the pacing and storytelling elements, any visual aspects, call to action statements and more.
7: Landing Pages That Wow
After you have created your lead magnet that is based on the needs and goals of your demographic audience, you can then start the process to create your landing page. This is the page you are going to send traffic to that will get people to opt in to your list.
There are many different things AI can help you with during the creation and copywriting process for your landing page. For example, you can ask AI: “Create the copy for the landing page for my low carb tip email series. Be sure to include a headline, five bullet point benefits, and a strong call to action that I can put above the opt in form. Make sure the copy is short enough to fit above the fold.”
This is going to give you all of the copy in one response. However, you can also take it individually and have it create just the headlines to choose from, just the bullet point benefits, and just the call to action statements so that you can go through and select each item individually.
If you want to, you can also provide AI with a little bit of information that you know you want to be in the copy of your landing page. For example, you can prompt it like this: “Give me a list of five bullet point benefits that tout my low carb email series. Make sure to include how easy it is, how fast the recipes can be created, how it can help with weight loss, boost your energy, and that the course it has been created by someone who has already succeeded in this area.”
Another thing you can have AI help you with is in making sure that the design of your landing page is aligned with your niche topic. For example, you can prompt AI like this: “Tell me how to design a landing page for an audience of affiliate marketing beginners whose goal and focus is to make money fast. Tell me what to include on the landing page, the layout and structure of the page to keep it above the fold, and what color palette and accent colors I should use for this market.”
AI is going to give you advice that includes things about the layout and structure, visual elements, the inclusion of some sort of social proof or testimonial, and color schemes that include blues and greens for trust, growth, and prosperity.
It will also give you advice about keeping your design clean and uncluttered so that the call to action button is prominently visible, where the content doesn't distract from the purpose, which is getting them to enter their name and e-mail address and click the subscribe button.
8: Split Testing Fun
When you are list building, instead of just putting everything up and leaving it alone from that point on, you want to be split testing different facets of the process so that everything is performing to the best of its ability.
There are different things you can test with an A/B format. For example, we've already covered how you can have different lead magnet offers. You can tailor those to different demographic audiences as well as offer them in different media formats.
You can also split test different slants. You might want to have AI come up with five different slants that teach affiliate marketing for low carb dieting so that you can create one for each slant and see how they perform.
You can also split test the landing page itself. You can prompt AI like this: “I want to create two landing pages for a lead magnet offer of a 52-week email series on low carb diet tips. I want to split test the visual elements of the page such as the colors, fonts, and design. Give me advice for how to split the two pages.”
You will get advice back such as testing Arial or Helvetica fonts for the headlines and Times New Roman or Georgia fonts for the body text against a page offering Google’s Montserrat or Lato for headings and Open Sans for the body.
It will advise you to have one page that uses Blues and greens as the primary colors, with the second page opting for a warmer palette that has oranges and yellows. While the first one is going to evoke a sense of trust and the wealth, the second one is going to make people think about energy and positivity.
It can advise you on all sorts of design elements, such as one page that uses angled dividers or background shapes and the other that has a minimalist design with a lot of white space.
You can prompt AI to give you split tested versions of the tone that you are using. You might want to prompt AI like this: “I want to split test two landing pages where I promote an affiliate marketing beginners course. Give me advice on how to split test the tone on the page.”
For this type of split testing, AI might advise you to use a formal tone with an emphasis on your expertise, showcasing data and building credibility. It's more of an authoritative tone where people will admire your success and leadership.
For the second version, it can advise you to use a more friendly and approachable tone, like you're speaking from one friend to another and focusing more on words of encouragement, along with the fun and easy aspect of making money online with affiliate marketing. This one has more of a community feel as if they are being brought into the fold.
You can even ask AI how to carry out your split testing process. For example, if you ask it that question, it will talk about the duration and amount of traffic that you need to be measuring, how to analyze the results and make a decision about which one has performed better, and then what to split test for your next test scenario.
9: Beyond Basics List Hacks
There are other aspects to list building that AI can assist you with. For example, it can advise you about where you can build a list other than your formal landing page. You can ask it a broad prompt such as: “In addition to my landing page, where else can I place an opt in form so that I can build a list of subscribers?”
AI will give you a rundown of all of the effective and strategic locations for you to build a list. For example, having a home page that serves as an opt in form is beneficial if someone types in your domain directly.
It also advises you to include opt in forms within or at the end of your blog posts so that engaged readers are ready to subscribe. It tells you to include it in your sidebar on your blog, the footer area, on your About page, and as a form of pop up that can appear during their time on your side or whenever they go to exit.
AI also tells you that you can have people sign up during a purchase process. For example, if you are selling an info product on Warrior Plus, you can connect your email autoresponder so that buyers are sent a confirmation e-mail to opt into your list.
It also covers list building on social media platforms, as part of your email signature, and even urges you to verbally encourage people on webinars or live virtual events and live streams so that more people visit your landing page and opt into your form.
With any of these particular list building locations, you can ask AI for advice on maximizing your efforts for higher conversions. For example, you can ask AI something like this: “I want to include an opt in form below each blog post where I teach people about the low carb diet. What is a good call to action statement that I can put directly above the opt in form at the end of each blog post?”
AI is going to give you an example that reads: “Ready to Succeed on Your Low Carb Journey? Unlock exclusive tips, recipes, and insights to revolutionize your diet. Subscribe now for our weekly low-carb mastery newsletter and take the first step towards a healthier you!”
You can also ask for AI's advice on building a list in other ways. For example, you might prompt it like this: “I want to build a list by hosting a giveaway event to attract people interested in affiliate marketing. Help me with a plan for this event from start to finish.”
AI is going to deliver a blueprint for you that begins with the planning phase of defining your goals, identifying your target audience, choosing your giveaway item, setting rules and duration, etc.
It then moves on to the pre launch phase, where you create the landing page, integrate the opt in form, develop a promotion plan, and more. It then discusses the launch phase where you announced the giveaway, send out an email announcement to encourage people to share and participate, promoted on social media and collaborate with influencers, and so on.
Finally, it advises you about the management and post event phases, which include regular updates and engagement as you track performance, releasing a follow up email campaign, and going through the analytics of the event to see what type of insight you can gained from it.
You can also prompt AI to help you with building a list through a webinar, where a sign up is required in order to get the password into the event. You can prompt AI like this: “Help me plan a webinar where I host a panel of experts and answer questions about low carb dieting. My ultimate goal is to build a list of attendees, so tell me exactly what to do to ensure the highest conversions possible.”
AI is going to go through the entire comprehensive plan, which includes how to select your panel of experts so that you have a diverse panel that can send a myriad of traffic, setting a date and time so that the maximum number of people can attend the event, running targeted ads on social media platforms and search engines, incentivizing the early bird registration process with freebies, sending out reminder emails, and more.
You can also ask AI for a data analysis on the effectiveness of certain list building strategies within your niche. For example, you might prompt it like this: “In the weight loss niche, how effective are exit pop-ups in getting people to convert for a lead magnet gift?”
Not only does it answer your question about how they can be effective in that particular niche, but it also gives you precise instructions about how to ensure your exit pop up performs up to your expectations.
This will include things like timing and targeting, relevancy of the offer, compelling copy and visual appeal, a sense of scarcity, easy sign up process, and more. It even advises you that you can segment and personalize the exit popups based on user behavior and the content that they were engaged in such as showing different pop ups for users who read about keto diets versus those who are reading about exercise for weight loss.
10: Traffic Tricks for Lists
When it comes to list building, you can't neglect the traffic generation process. This is when you are going to be sending or pulling traffic to your site using a variety of strategies that AI can assist you with.
There are both free and paid methods of generating traffic from both search engines and social media. But you can also develop stellar content that is ranked well naturally and pulls traffic into the site using search engine optimization (SEO).
You can prompt AI to help you in crafting optimized blog posts that adhere to Google's current SEO guidelines. If you already have content written, you can prompt AI like this: “Review the attached blog post and make recommendations for SEO measures if I want to rank for the keyword phrase: [insert keyword phrase].”
AI can give you advice about the use of keywords strategically, including the primary and secondary keywords. It can also help you with other aspects of optimization, such as your alt tags and meta descriptions.
Because Google appreciates comprehensive content, it can also assist you in expanding your content so that it is viewed as a thorough resource that others want to link back to.
You can even ask AI question like: “I have a blog post targeting the keyword phrase best low carb recipes. Give me advice for getting more authority backlinks to this page that I have attached.”
In addition to natural search engine optimization, you can prompt AI to help you with social media list building. For example, you might prompt AI like this: “Give me tips on list building from a YouTube account that teaches people how to make money online with affiliate marketing.”
In addition to the usual advice about creating good content, it's also going to give you some specific technical and strategic advice such as including a verbal call to action, a link in your description, using popular hashtags, pinning comments and offering exclusive gifts to your audience.
If you want help with paid ads, you can prompt AI for broad advice like this: “I want to run a paid ad campaign on Facebook targeting low carb dieters to get them on my list. Create a soup to nuts campaign for me with everything I need to get started.”
In addition to preliminary decisions about your audience, lead magnet, and so on, it will advise you about the actual ad content, including the visuals, copy, and headlines. It will then tell you how to design an effective landing page to send people to.
It also goes into detail about how to set up your Facebook ad campaign, from the creation of the campaign with conversions as your objective to ad set configuration, budget and scheduling details, and pixel integration.
It can do the same on other social media platforms that you want to run ads on, as well as Google or other search engines. You can even give it certain parameters like the budget that you want to operate on and have it help you with the financial aspect of your ads.
11: Data Secrets for Conversions
In the end, once everything is live and operational, and you are split testing and segmenting your list building activities, you can have AI analyze the data that you gather so that you can ask for advice on how to make improvements.
You can even prompt AI like this: “I’m sending traffic from TikTok to a landing page that promotes a 52 week low carb diet email series. Tell me what metrics I should be tracking so that I can ensure my efforts are performing and converting to the best of their abilities.”
Once AI tells you what it will need, you can come back at a later date with that data and ask it to analyze it and make recommendations for improved conversions. It’s going to tell you to monitor click through rates from TikTok, conversion rates, bounce rates, form abandonment rates, etc.
For example, if you come back to AI and tell it that you have a high rate of form abandonment, it will advise you that your offer is initially enticing people to come to the landing page, that your form may be too difficult in terms of the number of fields to complete, the design is unappealing or not mobile responsive, or you don't have the trust and credibility people need to go through with the process.
Artificial intelligence tools can not only help you build a list that is more targeted, which means you'll ultimately have better conversions, but it can help you scale your list building process at an unprecedented rate of speed.
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Hey Suzanne,
This article is a game-changer for marketers struggling with list building! The 11 AI secrets revealed here offer a wealth of practical advice on how to leverage AI to supercharge list building efforts.
From choosing the right landing page builder and email autoresponder system to crafting irresistible lead magnets and segmenting your audience, AI can be a powerful assistant in every step of the process.
I particularly appreciated the examples of how AI can help with demographic research, lead magnet titles, and outlining. The tips on repurposing lead magnets into different formats are also incredibly useful.
Overall, this article is a must-read for anyone looking to transform their marketing game with AI!
Thanks again,
Hi Cyril,
And thank you for the lovely words. I hope to help all entrepreneurs learn how to use AI for their benefit and time-saving features!
I’m consistently using AI for all my lead magnet ideas, and they’ve been extremely successful. And I can’t even imagine how much time I’ve saved this past year, haha.
If you use reliable tools to build your pages, and highly rated autoresponders, you’ll create a rock-solid foundation for your email lists. Cheap tools only give you more headaches, lol.